Teaching & Supervision


I currently teach three courses on surveillance, security and globalization of crime and justice, in the Department of Criminology at Ottawa.

Mentoring and Supervision

If you are interested in working with me, please contact me directly!

I have supervised several foreign visiting students and I am very happy to work with visiting Masters and Doctoral students, Postdoctoral researchers and faculty, particularly from Europe, South America and East Asia.

Doctoral Students

Currently, I am supervising or co-supervising 3 PhD students (in Criminology at uOttawa unless stated):

  • David Eliot, who is a Trudeau Foundation Doctoral Fellow, working on the genealogy of AI
  • Ashley Poon, who is working on attitudes to “social credit”-like social surveillance policies
  • Rohit Revi (Cultural Studies, Queens), who is working on surveillance and paranoia.

Hopefully, I will have 2 more PhD students starting in September 2024, one working on my Hired Hackers and Private Spies project, and one on my Platform Cities in an Age of Planetary Surveillance project.

I’ve supervised 7 PhD students to completion, the majority of whom now have tenure or tenure-track jobs.

I’ve been the leader of the Surveillance Studies Summer Seminar, a biennial intensive doctoral school run by the Surveillance Studies Centre, since 2013. There wasn’t one in 2021 due to COVID, and since then I have left Queen’s and the SSC has closed, but I am considering when to restart the SSSS.

Masters Supervision

I have 3 current MA students (in Criminology at uOttwa, unless stated)

  • Claire Wang, who is working on the intersection of “cancel culture” and “surveillance culture.”
  • Taya Yenem, who is interested in surveillance and “deceptive patterns.”
  • Taylor Doak-Hess (Cultural Studies), who is looking at surveillance in the world of Bioshock.

I’ve supervised more than a twenty MA theses or major projects while at Queen’s. Some of those students lived to tell the tale.